Business Email Compromise Investigation (BEC)

Business Email Compromise (BEC) is soaring and companies are been affected, BEC is an exploit in which the attacker gains access to a corporate email account and spoofs the owner's identity to defraud the company or its employees, customers or partners of funds. Typically attackers request funds to be transferred to an offshore location typically to Hong Kong.

Digitpol a global cyber crime investigation agency is providing assistance to affected firms by providing rapid response with investigation, legal and assistance with freezing funds wired to fraudsters accounts by liaison with local authorities to recover the stolen funds. Business Email Compromise (BEC) is a scam targeting companies who conduct regular wire transfers and have suppliers abroad, typically firms that have business with Asia or with offshore locations are at target. BEC attackers rely heavily on social engineering tactics to trick unsuspecting employees and executives. Hong Kong is a key target for transferring funds to Hong Kong and then onward to offshore jurisdictions or to mainland China. Digitpol's Business Email Compromise Investigation Team are certified computer forensic investigators and fraud examiners and can assist to all cases related to Email Scams and Fraud.

Offshore Bank Accounts - A Target

Internet fraud is rampant and Hong Kong is a key target for the transfer of funds. Digitpol's Hong Kong branch provides operational and forensic support to firms that have fallen victim to BEC fraud, email fraud, invoice fraud and the stolen funds have been wired to bank accounts in Hong Kong. Digitpol provides assistance to foreign firms by acting on their behalf locally in Hong Kong. Digitpol's legal partner is an expert in the recovery of funds in Hong Kong and mainland China, jointly the combination of investigative support and legal services we offer International firms rapid response expertise to assist with the investigation, seizure and recovery of stolen funds.

If you have transferred funds to a fraudulent bank account in Hong Kong, the following is urgent.

  1. Immediately alert your bank the transaction is fraudulent. This is most urgent.
  2. Report the incident as soon as possible to your local police in the country you reside in. Obtain the Police report or case number
  3. Report the case to the Hong Kong Police. Obtain the Police report or case number.
  4. When required, engage Digitpol and its legal team to act for you in Hong Kong to examine the evidence, prepare a report, investigate the case, and liaise with the Authorities and the Banks.
  5. If your physically located in Hong Kong, go directly to a Police station, and bring all the evidence with you.
  6. Before you submit data to us, watch the step by step explainer on what to do if your a victim of Stock or Investment Fraud What To Do If Your a Victim of Stock Fraud

When Digitpol is engaged, we will immediately contact the receiving banks security department and put them on notice of the fraud.

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